Sunday, September 2, 2007

Getting a Drink in a Dry Country

As many of you, Kentucky is largely a dry state. In other words, out of the 120 counties here about 14 of them or so allow the sell of alcohol. Usually not a hard thing to overcome if you want a "little pull" of something. Go over to a wet country and get all you want (within the legal limits) to bring it home with you.

Well, I have a professor friend, of Aussie extraction, that lives and teaches in the small country of Brunei in Borneo. That's in SE Asia for all the geography wizards out there. I never thought about having to go to another country just to take a snort, but that is exactly where she finds herself in this story of hers. Read it and I am sure you will be as entertained as I was. Fascinating woman with a lifetime of fascinating tales to tell. I am sure if you stick with her, she will tell you about her trip across China and into Mongolia this past summer. Her blog is well worth the watch!

Fact and Fiction: Getting a Drink in a Dry Country

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